E é nestas ocasiões que dou graças por nascer onde nasci e oro por todas as raparigas como a Reyhaneh. 

Porque este é um Mundo frio e cruel.

Notícia completa aqui e aqui.

Descansa em paz Reyhaneh Jabbari.


Hey guys! Suddenly I remembered I have a blog ! So, here is a little makeover to make this look nicer.

Now, let's find something interesting to write in here.

Kiss kiss,

"We are a generation of idiots, smartphones and dumb people"

   This video touched me in so many ways, it is difficult to me to find some to share with you. I am a victim, no, not a victim.. I am one of the idiots that spends its precious time on the computer, on the smartphone. One of the idiots that thinks that its easier to stay inside than have to dress up an go outside. A few minutes before watching this video, I looked out the window and thought "What a nice day outside. One day I want to live on a ground floor house so I can wake up, and just take a step out of my window to smell the nature , to hear the birds, to lay down on the grass". But I didn't even thought about getting up, dress and go outside to enjoy the birds and the nature right now. 
   It is true , nowadays it is impossible to disconnect the online world. Especially for me, studying Engineering, and I love technology. Right know I needed to be programming and how can I do it without a computer?
   What I got from this video is the time I am wasting scrolling down Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The time I waste watching a Youtube video about doing some kind of makeup I am not gonna even try myself or watching some girls closet when I could be chatting with my friends and sharing those kind of things with them. The girl friends of course! Why do I have four unfinished books for months when a few years ago I would just finish the four of them in one month? What is the internet teaching me? 
   I am not using it properly. I need to go outside. I need to take a break from this world of procrastination and live real life. I just don't know if I can. Because I am one of the dumb people from the title of this post.
   It was better when it wasn't all condensed in one little thing we call smartphone. When we needed a camera to take pictures, a computer to go to the internet. 
   I know my writting is really bad, but those were the thoughts I could get out of my head and I really wanted to share them with you. Now I am going to program for some project , that's impossible to postpone any longer. But once I am done with it , I am going outside. Oh yes I am! 

Thank you Gary Turk for this video.

"The Walk" in Images

Iceland Water Park

On Easter day I went to this WaterPark. It was the perfect vacations finale! We enjoyed a perfect day with no queue on the slides and had a lot of fun! I loved it! :D

No dia de Páscoa fomos a um aquaparque. Foi o final de férias perfeito! Aproveitamos um dia de sol perfeito sem filas e divertimo-nos bastante! Fiquei bastante impressionada com o facto de não haver filas num parque tão grande e tão fixe! Foi espectacular! :D

Website do parque

Para a próxima tenho de aproveitar a Ladies Night ...

... e estas cabanas privadas devem ser o máximo também!

Food Court



Ferry Boat Experience

On Tuesday I went on a ferryboat trip to see the famous Atlantis The Palm Dubai. We took off , was still afternoon and came back at the sunset. Another experience to remember.

Na terça-feira fomos dar uma voltinha no ferryboat para ver o famoso Atlantis The Palm Dubai. quando saímos era ainda de dia e voltámos com o pôr-do-sol. Mais uma experiência a recordar.